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The members database gives access to the members database on the contests website.  Although this is primarily a reflection of the BHA and BHNZ member databases, there are other "members" who are not members of these organisations:


Other BHS affiliate members - mainly BHS judges (200 000s)

Non BHS or affiliate members - mainly SAA members of invitational quartets and choruses (300 000s)

Delegate Members - BHS affiliate members from outside Austraia or New Zealand an attending a Pan Pac Convention - they are made as members from their delegate registration.  (400 000s) 

Schools - members of schools quartets and choruses (500 000s)


The numbers in the brackets indicate the BH Member IDs for each of these groups.  (BHA Member IDs are all in the range 1 - 99 999 and BHNZ Member IDs in the range 100 001 - 149 000).


The organisation drop down box, radio buttons and the member search box have self-evident functions.


Note that unless an editable organisation ie something other than All, BHA or BHNZ has been selected in the drop down box, the New button is not enabled.


In the following screen shot, BH Other has been selected in the drop down box top right and Dale Comer (a BHS judge) has been selected:


The BH Member ID is fixed and cannot be changed.  The Surname, Firstname, Email and Phone fields are self-evident.  Gender is selected from a drop down box as only "Male", "Female" or "Non-Binary" are allowable options. 


The Locked Gender field is set on the first occasion in any calendar year on which the member is a member of a quartet or chorus entered into a contest.  The gender lock date will also be set with the date of this entry.  Even if the member changes their gender in the BHA or BHNZ database during the rest of the calendar year, in accordance with the contest rules of both countries, the gender is locked as it was with that first contest entry.  For example:



If a mistake has been made, the ADM Judge can reset the gender lock.


The first national quartet field is the first year in which the contests system has the member recorded as having been in a quartet in a national contest.  (As the current contests system only started being used in 2017, these are the earliest years in the system).  This data is updated after each national contest in the Members tab in BHAdmin.  The field is needed to help determine eligibility for Novice Quartet contests.












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